Who is Biddle Consulting Group?

Providing The Highest Quality Products And Services Related To Equal Employment Opportunity And Employee Selection.

logo-ver2TestGenius is a product of a larger organization (Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.) established in 1974. Biddle Consulting Group (BCG) is a human resources consulting firm specializing in Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) litigation supporttest validation and development, and cutting-edge software. This narrow focus allows us to provide consulting services and software with a high level of competency and expertise that benefits our clients, our company, and the industry we serve.

Experts in Equal Employment Opportunity and Personnel Selection

Biddle Consulting Group, Inc. is based on more than three decades of experience in the Equal Employment Opportunity and Personnel Selection Fields. BCG has developed and validated personnel tests in hundreds of situations and are used by thousands of employers.

Decades of BCG Experience Create the TestGenius Online Pre-employment Testing Suite

A test, when used for hiring or promotion, must be a valid, job-related assessment. It must reliably measure knowledge, skills, abilities and personal characteristics necessary for success in the position. It must not measure skills and abilities that are learned either on the job or in a brief orientation.

TestGenius is an excellent measure of skills & abilities necessary for success, and, with our Test Validation Wizard, you are able to quickly and easily validate the TestGenius tests for your own organization!

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