Commercial Contact and Call Center Applicant Tests

Minimize Turnover With Agent Testing That Assesses The Real Skills Necessary For The Job

Part of the TestGenius Pre-Employment Testing Suite, C4: CritiCall for Contact Centers measures the critical skills and abilities necessary for success in commercial call centers. Improve the KPIs of your organization by selecting employees who possess the critical skills and abilities necessary for success on the job.

Customer Service Interaction

Measures the ability to communicate effectively while attempting to resolve callers' issues and concerns. This is accomplished by simulating telephone calls that are typical of those received by a call taker in the contact center environment and require the test taker to choose the most appropriate and least appropriate responses to the information provided.

Basic Order Entry

Measures the ability to hear audible data (such as names, addresses, telephone numbers, product codes, and amounts) and accurately enter that data in the proper fields using a keyboard


Measures the ability to read full written paragraphs and accurately enter those paragraphs word-for-word using a keyboard. The ability to correctly capitalize and use proper punctuation is emphasized. This is typically NOT an appropriate test for jobs where information is only entered in ALL CAPITAL letters.

Record Locating

Measures the ability to locate information on a written list and to correctly/accurately respond using a keyboard. Test takers are presented with an address book containing names, telephone numbers, and addresses on the screen. Using the address book list, they must answer written questions by cross-referencing specific information, and then entering the correct response into the space provided on the computer screen.

Data Entry/Call Summary

Measures the ability to hear and comprehend audible information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers while accurately entering that information into the proper fields using a keyboard. The test taker listens to a simulated telephone call and enters that data into the computer. They must then choose the statement that best summarizes the primary focus of the call.

Data Entry/Chat

Measures the ability to hear and comprehend audible information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers while accurately entering that information into the proper fields using a keyboard. The test taker listens to a simulated telephone call and enters that data into the computer. This test also measures multi-tasking by requiring the test taker to respond to internet chat messages by choosing the most appropriate chat response while entering the data.

Data Entry/Call Summary & Chat

Measures the ability to hear and comprehend audible information such as names, addresses and telephone numbers while accurately entering that information into the proper fields using a keyboard. The test taker listens to a simulated telephone call and enters that data into the computer. This test also measures multi-tasking by requiring the test taker to respond to internet chat messages by choosing the most appropriate chat response while entering the data. After the data entry is completed, the test taker must then choose the statement that best summarizes the primary focus of the call.

Applying Policies

Measures the ability to understand information heard during a telephone call and then to appropriately apply the contents of written policies in response to the callers' issue/or concern. The policies being tested are similar in complexity and type to those commonly used in most contact centers.


Measures the ability to perform some of the important functions in the Microsoft® Outlook program, such as sending emails, changing options and settings, spellcheck, creating signatures, forwarding emails and scheduling appointments and inviting attendees.